What is Experian Boost

What is Experian Boost

There’s been a lot of buzz lately around the new Experian Boost feature. What is Experian Boost exactly? Well, to put it simply, it allows consumers to submit a variety of bills to Experian in order to increase their credit score. We’ve noticed that most of the focus...
Marine Dealer Financing

Marine Dealer Financing

As a marine dealer, the stability of our current economy and the growth in the recreational boating industry should give you a feeling of security. The National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) recently announced that the recreational boating industry achieved...

Non-Prime Recreation Loans

Are you offering non-prime recreation loans to your customers with credit challenges? If not, you’re missing out on a big opportunity to increase sales and improve your bottom line. According to a report from Prosperity Now, 56% of consumers have a low credit score...
5 Signs You Need a Vacation

5 Signs You Need a Vacation

Before you even look at the signs you need a vacation, I want you to complete a quick exercise with me. After you read each bullet point, close your eyes and really try to picture yourself in that scenario. You’re sitting on the beach: the warm sand between your toes,...