Covered at Web Urbanist (links original):

Developed by CoeLux in Italy, this new form of artificial light is able to dupe humans, cameras and computers alike using a thin coating of nanoparticules to simulate Rayleigh scattering, a natural process that takes place in Earth’s atmosphere causing diffuse sky radiation. Far beyond simply making lights brighter or bluer, this approach accurately replicates how miles of atmosphere transform light within just a few millimeters of surface space. Professor Paolo Di Trapani of Italy’s University of Insubria has so far spent over 10 years working on this system.

Can you imagine the impact on architecture from these lights? Long dark interior rooms that can now be lit by realistic sunlight. With some continued development, faux-windows with imagery of natural scenery but projecting natural light into the room.

Think also how it could change the competitive landscape. Companies specializing in skylights and the like would have direct competition from lighting companies, maybe to the point that the lighting companies offer something superior. In Seattle, we typically have 6 months of gray weather. If this skylight offered beautiful tropical sunshine and yours offered reflected gray blah-ness, which am I going to buy? If you sell windows, what if you could offer window-lights on the inside of the house in closed rooms instead of focusing solely on the exterior?

The price point for these lights is high but will eventually come down. Maybe this will be the big thing after the next big thing!
