What is the price or cost of easy?

Guest Post by Tim Thiel, Account Executive–North Region If all outcomes are the same then easiest is best. But if the outcomes are different, what is the price you are willing to pay for easy? Fifteen years ago, a typical home improvement salesman left a house...
The Ideal Contractor

The Ideal Contractor

What is the ideal contractor? There may be conflicting ideas depending on who you ask. A homeowner may have certain ideas of what constitutes “ideal”; they might care most about price and a quick turn-around time. A contractor may value reputation and integrity when...
Fun with Math, Part I

Fun with Math, Part I

Admittedly, I love numbers.  As a lender, numbers are the focal part of my daily work.  A truly huge portion of my day is devoted to numbers. Numbers tell interesting stories, two of which I’d like to share with you. A Story of Scale We speak to contractors daily who...